Time to flush all those tabs again. Some interesting stuff I bumped into recently-ish.
- There’s a blockchain for that!: The rise and rise of the blockchain…
- Crypto 2.0–And Other Misconceptions: … but maybe we are getting a bit ahead of ourselves, and bitcoin is really what matters!
- How the Bitcoin protocol actually works: Gory details of bitcoin's internals. Must say that the Bitcoin book already provides a pretty good explanation, but interesting nonetheless.
- BitBeat: Bitcoin Surges Past $400 on Back of the New ‘Shining Star’: Bitcoin is up again! Rollercoaster ride?
- ModVal: How cool is that, a site for financial models.
Startups et. al.
- The Shape of Things to Come: Jonathan Ive seems like a cool fellow, actually. Even though I'm not much of an apple fan.
- Y Combinator Posthaven: thoughts from the combinator. 1000 companies funded!
- The Future of Firms. Is There an App for That?: What does it mean to be a company in this world of change?
General Coding
- What I’ve learned so far about software development: Tales from the trenches.
- Git from the inside out: Gory details about git. And I mean really gory and really detailed. As with bitcoin, the git book was already pretty detailed but interesting nonetheless.
- How to Write a Git Commit Message: jeez, each to their own! Here's a true geek of git commit messages. But very useful though.
- Elements of Scale: Composing and Scaling Data Platforms: Interesting take on data, should help navigate the SQL/NoSQL debate.
- Do you really know why you prefer REST over RPC?: Title says it all, interesting take on the RESTification of the world.
- Making The Case For Building Scalable Stateful Services In The Modern Era: Instead of knee-jerk reactions about statefulness, think deeply before you decide. With presentation: "Building Scalable Stateful Services" by Caitie McCaffrey
- "Apache Kafka and the Next 700 Stream Processing Systems" by Jay Kreps: Improved my understanding of Kafka somewhat. And the title made me curious, so I ended up reading The Next 700 Programming Languages.
- The Room Where the Internet Was Born: A quest for understanding the cloud. Rather long but great for those that like computer history.
- A Criticism of Scrum: quite well thought out actually. I love agile but I must say, I agree with many of the points made. I guess in the end, the key is not to fall in love with ceremony.
- Why Zalando trusts in PostgreSQL: Great to see how the elephant is used in anger. Picked up a few tips.
- Futures for C++11 at Facebook: futures are all the rage…
- C++ Futures at Instagram: … everywhere!
- Livestream: WOT, C++ live coding? Man this is a weird notion!
- CppCon 2015: Chandler Carruth "Tuning C++: Benchmarks, and CPUs, and Compilers! Oh My!: Chandler at his best - hilarious but extremely informative.
- Comparison in C++: A weird but weirdly useful paper. Deep thinking about comparisons. For good measure, you should also watch the presentation: CppCon 2015: Lawrence Crowl "Comparison is not simple, but it can be simpler"
- CppCon 2015: Eric Niebler "Ranges for the Standard Library": Ranges, ranges, ranges!! Can't wait! For good measure, you can also read C++ Ranges are Pure Monadic Goodness.
- Crypto coding rules: haven't parsed the entire document, but already found a few very useful points.
- RapidCheck: Didn't know of QuickCheck or RapidCheck, but this may come in handy at some point…
Layman Science
- Linear Algebra: What matrices actually are: an attempt to make matrices accessible.
- A Gentle Introduction To Learning Calculus: Helpful when trying to remember all the stuff one did all those years ago…
- A Visual, Intuitive Guide to Imaginary Numbers: … continued.
- New theories reveal the nature of numbers: A Ramanujan movie is due out soon, and these are the guys doing the maths behind the scenes. Can't wait for the movie!
- Richard Feynman on education in Brazil: Hilarious, but somewhat reminiscent of my own education, in a different country but culturally very similar and certainly with a very similar approach to science.
- Using neural nets to recognize handwritten digits: nice introduction to neural nets with a good example.
- Your Brain Is On the Brink of Chaos: Very interesting. This is particularly interesting because I have been reading up on the delicate balance between inhibitory and excitatory neurons, but the literature always gives you this static impression of balance. If you assume chaos on the other hand…
- Extreme City: Luanda, my beloved, just keeps on getting crazier and crazier. Interesting - if somewhat expat-oriented - take on the city.
- This Florida Teenager Knows What Ahmed Mohamed Is Going Through. It Happened to Her in 2013: sad, really. Whatever the real truth was about Ahmed.
- Will You Ever Be Able to Upload Your Brain?: er., spoiler alert - not really. Interesting though.
- Dealing with “power laws” with upper (lower) bound: most certainly not for laypeople. Taleb is back at it. Would be great to have this translated to laymen's maths.
- Lieke Boon: Unconscious Bias: we're all guilty: How to be a bit more aware of your own the biases is my take on it.
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